Royal Canin Golden Retriever Adult



Royal Canin - Golden Retriever Adult
Granulated dog food for adult dogs Golden Breed Retriever 15 months and older

Product Description
Beautiful Coat nourishes skin and hair to make it shiny. Help maintain weight at the right level with a unique formula. For golden retriever dogs, Cardiac Tone Supports normal functioning of the heart muscle and longevity. Slows down cell degeneration with antioxidant interaction for golden dogs Retriever 15 months and older


Take care of healthy skin and hair and strengthen skin barrier with Omega 3 (EPA&DHA) and Omega 6 from Borage Oil. Easily fat retrievers. With the right energy.

Protein not less than 23%, fat not less than 11%, residue not more than 4.9%, humidity Not more than 10.5%.

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